Thursday, April 9, 2009

Take a bow

What is the most important thing in your life? Money, jewelry or gold? I think nothing can compare to a comfortable toilet seat. Come to think of it, it is the most important thing for each one of us. Don’t trust me? Just simply pick a person around you and ask for his/her feeling the moment after the explosion. I guarantee you the answers are the same!

Judging from that, it is imperative we choose a right toilet seats to fit our butt in order to maximize the power. That’s right, getting a toilet seat riser would even bring you to the next level, especially for the elders who experience difficult during the bower movement.
Making a right choice is not easy, but don’t worry cause Allegromedical is there to help you. So when is the last time you ‘take a bow’?


This is not the birthday wish, or not the wish you wanna do something or strike lottery. Just a simple ones – what do you wish to see the most?

I think I am weird, because I would like to see a plane crash in front of me. Of course with the condition it is auto-pilot with no injuries at all! I know this thinking is weird but I am surprised that someone else have also thought about it and even put it in the movie scene. Well maybe it is not impressive to many of you but I was enlightened by that scene. Weird, I know.

Another wish is, I hope to see the end of earth. I know it is a tragedies but please don’t get me wrong, I would wish to die along instead of everybody. At least I witness the great history of universe and not die in vain. Haha… Again, yes I know I am weird. Haha…


Are we unique? I was once dreamt of becoming a space man and working in space station, or NASA, or anything outer space related position. I know it is far too beyond from what I am doing now but hey, kids ma, what do you expect? Especially for the 80’s babies, we are quite easily amazed by the space cause the exploration is blooming at that time.

I think that’s the major reason why I picked computer science, hoping one day could join the team. Silly me, haha... but at least I tried after school right? Haha… Anyhow, back to to story, are we unique? As I mentioned in my previous post, I believed we are not. Come to think of it, the universe is soooooo big, and we are sooooo tiny. The possibility of having exterior living form (are we?) is far beyond our knowledge.

I hope I have the chance to wait for that day where we found them. But I think the chances I have the opportunity to see the end of earth is higher than the ability to live long enough to see them live…

Holsted Jewelers

I know I would be interested in writing this post the moment I saw the title - fashion jewelry and yes, I was right.

I was caught by the advertisement the moment the page is loaded – Shades of Spring Now 30% OFF! The next catchy line is showing – starting as low as $21!! What a surprise, just $21 to get fashion jewelry? You must be kidding me.

But the fact is no joking, because Holsted Jewelers has been operated for 37 years and with the experiences, they truly understand the best to fit the customer’s needs. Holsted Jewelers has all types of jewelries for different range of consumer. From price to size, or design to clarity, you just cant miss what you really want.


Sometimes I think it is important for who you choose to watch the movie together. Especially when you encounter the boring, dull or upsetting ending story, the friends you are watching with will eventually make it interesting.

Recently I watched this movie with a bunch of buddies. I think the CG is great but the story is a bit kns. Perhaps nowadays Hollywood has run out of idea so they have no choice but to play around the story in bible and make it realistic.

Yes I say it realistic cause 1. I believed we are not unique in the universe and 2. No offense but I dun believe in god/ghost/spiritual staffs (but I respect people who believes in them). So come back to the story, if it is not because of the one sitting beside me indulging me for the funny ending, I certainly dun think this movie is interesting.


Many times I am questioning myself about my capability on the tasks assigned to me. I am the kind of person that needs a lot of focus into one subject because in my perception, to work the best on a thing is to fully understand the operability in and out.

Somehow this attitude is killing me cause I found it doesn’t apply in many areas. Because of this sophisticated personality, I felt like my brain couldn’t cope with so many things especially things are passing by in a fast pace.

I tried to solve this problem by becoming the middle man, touch and go. But the result turns out I’m just the traffic director. It’s obvious when someone ask me in detail about the case, just as if someone ask the traffic director where’s not congested, he couldn’t answer you.

I am stuck, seriously. I got even frustrated especially when I need support and help from other team because they always slow, laid back and like nothing to do with them. KNS!

Learn Beauty

Ever think of what’s your next move after the graduation? With this economy crisis age, having a degree is no longer a must for you to compete for a corporate job. Be realistic, the trend is changing and in near future, only the professional that focus in specific area fit the bill.

Judging from that, getting yourself involving in the beauty market is one of the best areas to consider. Simple, no matter how the trending is changing, fashion is always in the top of the list. In another words, as long as there is human, fashion will never die.

From hair to toe, colored to plain, or even big to small, it is all about fashion. How to begin with? Simple, just check out the cosmetology schools available in this page and from there, I see a future bright star.

The graduates’ rate is getting higher every year. There is one ancient Chinese proverb said ‘no matter how poor you are, you just can’t stingy on the education’. I believe this is the motive driving most parents sending their kids to school.


I knew one day it would happen. Despite of that, I still felt like my heart has drop a level down the floor when I finally heard the news. It was all started back in last year. From nothing to something, something to many things. It's a weird cause I clearing foresee the ending but I am still willing to explore.

Somehow, it is finally a time to mark the full stop of this case. I hope the pictures will be removed permanently although I know it wouldn’t. But hope is still hope, hoping time will erase them forever.

Back in reality, I am no longer sure what's next. I know I don't care, but they do. I just gotta hate this feeling...