Friday, December 18, 2009

My DIY Detox Program

I have 5H:

1H. High cholesterol
2H. High blood pressure
3H. High sugar level
4H. High urine acid
5H. and eventually fast (high) heart beat rate.

I am seriously not proud of this cause you might see me stop blogging permanently if any of the above gotten serious. Thus, I thought of running my own DIY detox program. I didn't have any specific advice, just that my doctor always 'advise' me to take pure vegetable. So I decided to stop:

1. Sugar
2. Salt
3. Oil
4. Rice/Flour
5. Meat

I took 6 days off, including weekend and here are my diet:

1. Oat - to replace rice
2. Fruits (Banana, strawberry, kiwi, apple, grapes and all kind..)
3. Vegetable (All types of leaves, carrot, cucumber, celery, potatoes, tomatoes..)
4. Tofu
5. Cow's milk but not cheese or other dairy product.

Ambitious, I must pride myself, but...

First day - Boil vege with water, oat and finish almost 50% of the food I bought for 6 days : ) I am not diet, so I will eat as soon as I feel hungry, and scary enough, I am like a baby and start eating every 2 hours. I thirst of drumstick the first night...

Second day - Woke up but felt not really hungry, so started with oat but, the food I bought almost 70% finished in the evening. Hungry for drumstick again. My friend told me that was my brain playing with me... Weird thing happened today, I got muscle pain and feeling very easily tired. But on another hand, my poopoo got zero bad odor, basically no odor at all. And I can felt the smoothness of my skin. I know my body is cleanse, cause I have a superb high metabolism digesting machine.

Third day - Same old meals, tasteless. My body start shaking, tired and cold. I felt dizzy and I couldn't concentrate. I called the doctor but the nurse picked up and told me it shouldn't be any problem. Asked me to continue for another 2 days and call back if symptom still persist. I know this is no longer my brain playing game but I got no appetite for food at all, maybe a little craving for drumstick...

Forth day - Totally devastated. I was lying down on the table, hardly walk and dizzy like hell. My mom was so worried and asked me to start taking rice and meat back. But I was nausea and lost appetite for food. But, my mom cooked drumstick that night for dinner. I thought it's too early to see death, so I decided to take dinner earlier, 5pm, and I finished 5 drumstick and few meatballs. Unbelievable, headache/dizzy subsided in 2 hours, body back in normal with muscle pain. My energy start picking up again and I feel so alive and energetic.

Fifth day - Gave up on the diet and I start taking junk food and McD special breakfast and ice cream for dessert. Yummy.

This proven one thing, I am carnivore. But I will not give up and will surely try it again some time next year. Maybe this time make it 2 or 3 days instead, and most importantly, need some training first from cutting down the diet slowly instead of extreme changed. Lesson learned...


Yoke Fun said...

Sound 'painful' for me even just 'reading' it. Anyhow, it's glad to know that you start caring for your health. Keep it up~!

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