Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Am I still alive?

There was one night when I traveling back to home from work. Before reaching my mom called up and asking am I home yet. In fact I am still on my way, just another turn will reach the front gate. From the conversation I sense that she is freaking out when heard that I wasn’t home at all. I felt creepy too cause I felt like I not welcome home at all…

When I reached home then only my mom is telling that when she talking to my sister, I was interrupted them outside the room asking for something. However when they sneak out and answer but nobody was there, and they confirmed that was my voice!

I feel shivering too when heard of that, and they even double verify if I am still alive by checking my chin, head and legs. Hahaa… Somehow I don’t feel offended, as I really can’t remember what I was doing when they heard some ‘strange’ voice. Perhaps I met with an accident and died in the car crash? Or just another instance of me coincidentally appear in this plane…

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Living by writing blog?

Lately I came across that wiring a blog could make hell of money. Why? Because this friend of mine tested and proven this is workable and she is showing off in front of me how much she has earned.

Initially I began writing is because I wanna share my story with my friends around. Instead of showing my diary but I prefer they gets to know me better by reading my thoughts. But now, I think I gonna change my intention for the sake of money. But of course, can’t be too desperate right? Haha…

Sunday, February 11, 2007

A week

Time flew; just a snap then I’ve been with the company for a week. Obviously it’s a busy week comparing with other new joiners who can have the luxury of enjoying their honeymoon.

I have started to involved myself in discussing the document templates and most importantly tryna catch up the project progress as the project manager is quite concern on my ability. Now I finally understand why they wanna rush me in picking up those skills and knowledge as my senior is going for maternity soon and thus I was hired as a back up for her while she away.

It is pretty fair enough as this company famous in rich but I do hope that they will still retain me (at least) or better still put me to another assignment to another country for years if they could. (Hahaa.. I wished!) I think I am starting to change my initial expectation towards this company, because now I sense that this company can provide me what I wanted, or I should say it makes my career objective clearer.

However, I wonder what will happen then, coz it is still too early to judge. hahaa…

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

First day at work again

As usual I reached office quite early each time I got a new job. Simple, just wanna project my first impression to the new company/boss for my fake professional image. Haha… However I was told that the manager there will not be punctual but to mitigate that risk, I was still there a bit early incase what my friend told me is incorrect.

As expected, the security told me that my manager hasn’t reached the office and hence took me to the waiting room where I had my interviewed. Feeling a bit awkward but then I met these 2 ladies who are the new joiners also. Surprising 1 of them from the same ex-company but we didn’t recognized each other until the simple intro of ourselves. Within few minutes, they were taken away by their focal point and there go left me alone waited almost 40 minutes for my turn.

Spending the whole morning for the intro session, I felt like a celebrities because too many names with uncountable handshakes. In the afternoon I was asked by my senior to meet up with another team member. Not bad but also not too good cause from what they told me I saw quite a workload…

Well this time my sixth sense is quite damn right, coz just after the short meet up then I was brought to my first project meeting with 2 British uncles. I was damn blur in the meeting and the best I can do is just kept quiet. But surprisingly again I adjusted quite comfortable with this kinda project meeting, perhaps I just went through too many worse one. That’s why… hahaa…

Basically this is my first day, quite interesting. What more can I ask right?

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Back to work..

Tomorrow will be my first day reporting to the brand new workplace. Setting my clock to 7am but I foresee I barely fell asleep tonight because of my unstoppable imagination and expectation.

Perhaps I would need this anxiety to make myself feels steady tomorrow. Come on, not everyday I will have to report to new job ok? But somehow I realized I just change the 3rd jobs in les than 2 years time. Kinda spoilt my own profile isn’t it?

Anyhow, my sixth sense telling me that I wont, or rather to say I can’t stay long there. Hope I am wrong…

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Missing my holiday

Few days later I am gonna miss my honey moons. Thanks to the very unfair contract, I think I will crawl to work even when I felt at sick. Please tell me what to do; cause they even said I would have to work on 8am – 5pm, which is the hours I hated most.

Anyhow I cant asking for much, at least my first day starting by 9am. What more can I ask? Pity me…

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Backing to work soon

Just another week to go then I will hang my mask back to work. I don’t really expect to climb the corporate ladder now, but instead looking for more money. Hahaa…

In fact myself having this strange feeling, perhaps confused. Caused I standing at the point between money and position now. How nice if I can get both? Hahaa…