Sunday, February 11, 2007

A week

Time flew; just a snap then I’ve been with the company for a week. Obviously it’s a busy week comparing with other new joiners who can have the luxury of enjoying their honeymoon.

I have started to involved myself in discussing the document templates and most importantly tryna catch up the project progress as the project manager is quite concern on my ability. Now I finally understand why they wanna rush me in picking up those skills and knowledge as my senior is going for maternity soon and thus I was hired as a back up for her while she away.

It is pretty fair enough as this company famous in rich but I do hope that they will still retain me (at least) or better still put me to another assignment to another country for years if they could. (Hahaa.. I wished!) I think I am starting to change my initial expectation towards this company, because now I sense that this company can provide me what I wanted, or I should say it makes my career objective clearer.

However, I wonder what will happen then, coz it is still too early to judge. hahaa…

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