Monday, April 30, 2007

Fortune Golden Oink2 Babies

This year, from my relatives to my friends and even my colleagues, seem like everyone is rushing for a fortune golden oink2 baby this year (Regardless of coincident or intentionally).

Well I am not complaining but I am rather happy to see the incredible amount of ‘productivity’. Because I think the popularity of Malaysian Chinese is just too low comparing with others. Hence it is imperative to increase our race in order for the government to emphasize their focus towards other races instead of just putting all the benefits for the natives.

But then, as usual with disappointment, today I read from paper and the headline showing government party won again with unbeatable votes. Sometimes I wonder is that counting really accurate, because as you know la someone may playing the game behind the scene. Anyhow, I hope that with the increase of our races, the future young Malaysian will vote wisely so that we all can have a better future and of course, a fairer treatment…

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