Friday, May 21, 2010

i pad ipad

Instead of asking from the sky (FREE IPAD), I decided to pick up my mind and try to earn more money from writing pay post. Then use the hard earn money in Paypal to pay for my very first pad, opps.. it's ipad.

I am not sure how long it is gonna take but I believe someday, one day I will collect enough USD499 to buy the damn precious pad... opps again, it's ipad.. haha...

I have been ignorance to all other paid post providers and focus only on 1. But now with the great motivation from apple, i think it's time i source the site back to replenish the bullet in my paypal.

My target - GET IPHONE 4G (own money), and IPAD 16GB (from paypal) by end of this year.
My Wish - GET IPHONE 4G 64GB, and IPAD 64GB both from paypal by end of this year.
My reality - perhaps getting none. haha...

Let's just hope the best of the best... sigh.

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