Friday, February 11, 2011

2011 JO?

Tomorrow (or today?) is the dateline for submitting our JO (shortform for Job Objectives). We have this round at every beginning of the year, where each employee is asked to fill in (or blow?) the task they would like to do, and set the target they would like to hit. This JO will then be used as the objective for a year to measure the performance of the employee and hence the bonus will be allocate according to the post review rating. This is kinda important part for each white collar as it basically determine the income and image of oneself, and therefore it is superb essential to discuss each items with the line manager before it is agreed and entered to the system.

Last year, my manager copied my JO from the previous year. Mainly due to his inability of understand my scope of work, and also negligence of my existence in his team (or even treated me as his staff). This year, I guess the situation is worsen because he didnt even care to reply my emails despite my follow up to complete this action. I guess, this year is the time for me to move on, or otherwise it will definitely a shitty year ahead!

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