Thursday, April 9, 2009

Take a bow

What is the most important thing in your life? Money, jewelry or gold? I think nothing can compare to a comfortable toilet seat. Come to think of it, it is the most important thing for each one of us. Don’t trust me? Just simply pick a person around you and ask for his/her feeling the moment after the explosion. I guarantee you the answers are the same!

Judging from that, it is imperative we choose a right toilet seats to fit our butt in order to maximize the power. That’s right, getting a toilet seat riser would even bring you to the next level, especially for the elders who experience difficult during the bower movement.
Making a right choice is not easy, but don’t worry cause Allegromedical is there to help you. So when is the last time you ‘take a bow’?

1 comment:

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