Sunday, September 20, 2009


It is never an easy task to buy a house. First you need to know the intention of getting a house cause this will determine the usage of it. Whether you are staying, investing or other purposes. Secondly comes to the location, some prefers nearby working office, some prefers otherwise and opted for serenity.

After all that been sorted out, next you have to consider the budget - each inches also gonna cost you dollar and cent. You can definitely go for a supersize crib if you can afford, but some may also tryna force one even if they cant...

Once settle the money issue, now you have to look at the type, new or used, condition and design etc. Well these are just the basic consideration you have to make before getting a house, some may already able to put a full stop once done. But for my case, somehow I have to consider other's feeling, opinions and favorite. I know I should have not to, but the fact is I just cant ignore the deeds he had contributed and sacrifice. But because of that, I am getting devastated soon...

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