Tuesday, March 25, 2008

New York New York

New York is one of the most populous states in US. New York City, which is the largest city in the state and in the United States, is known for its history as a gateway for immigration to the United States and thus many people trying their best to get a fortune in this Big Apple.

I always dream that one day I will work there, or at least travel there and hoping that I could be spotted for some talent. Planning a trip to New York wasn't as easy as we think of because of its sheer size and diversity. But thanks to NewYorkHotels.com, the New York City Hotels are now easily search by location, by type or by star rating. In addition, the easy-to-read guides provide popular New York attractions and events that make the traveler planning gets easier. Thinks of a New York trip? Click on NewYorkHotels.com then.

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