Monday, September 6, 2010


I thought I have settled every facility bill, which I had but I forgot the cukai tanah and cukai pintu which are equivalent important (or more than) the facilities. It turns out as the pain in the ass as the stupid cukai pintu required damn a lot of time to check/screen and approval. 1 month at least the officer told me.

But that's not all, the application for renovation hurts the most. I just got to know today from the god damn DBKL that for cases like us, we are required to employ the architect to draw the floor plan and submit for the STUPID DBKL OSC fortnightly meeting for the approval. Solely this piece of drawing and submission will easily cost 3 to 5k.

That's not all, cause after the first approval, the plan will undergo 4 god damn departments for screening and background check and that, will take about 1.5 month and not guarantee for approval. The result will be either came back as approved (unlikely) or commented (very likely). Then the resubmission required another 2 weeks (because of that stupid blood sucking meeting) and the whole process will be ended in 3 months if we are lucky enough.

From what I heard, this rule was newly implemented but from the chat i had with one of the architects, it is not something new. Just the same old product covered with another skin. What a stupid joke in our stupid gomen. This clearly a channel for those CB blood sucking pig to earn side income. And the branches just got more and more and eventually delayed till you death if you dont have enough bullets to serve them well. WTF! Malaysia really boleh!

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