Saturday, September 11, 2010

Dont Care..

After a deep consideration and discussion with the siblings, our conclusion is that we decided to go for the reno without further worry about the submission of plan and approval. This is risky because it might turn out that we are paying higher and taking longer duration to complete the grand reno.

However, I dont care anymore. I think this is a game from our society, or to be exact, the game of our gomen trying every possible way to suck every drop from their citizen. But anyhow, according to our calculation, even if we are paying the kopi money every single day, the accumulated total will definitely lesser than the formal fining, the cost of reconstruction to meet the stupid standard, the cost for the whole blood sucking processing fees, and of course, the forever waiting time.

So, after the weighing and scaling, it is obvious that we are no longer effing care about that. Just EFF'EM and take cautious of every step. Wish us luck.

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