Sunday, November 7, 2010

Twinkle Twinkle Little Gold

"Twinkle twinkle little coin, how I wonder what you are. Up above the price so high, like a diamond price sky high..."

Oh yeah, that's the song we always rhyme when we were young. It is like a must-know song where every single child has to learn. The rhythm basically imprinted into our brain. Just that however, as we are getting older the lyrics is turning from nursery to a more material-like reality.

Well, what can we do? Life is like this. When we were young, we learn, we dream, and we are perceived by adult that we are living in a world that coated with sugar. Even when we first step into the working field, we fear no vicious senior that trying to hack us down. And we can loose the bet and start all over again.

Well, as time flies, we started to aware how crucial the life is to us. And we realize how important the money is to us. There we start hiding our weaknesses. Hoping bosses didnt find out our inability and get replace by cheaper fresh grads. Pathetic isn't it? So if you are reading my post and feel the same way, make sure you invest to gold coin before it is too late!

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