Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Fashion City

What will you think when you heard about Paris? For me my first impression will be the fashion week, Eiffel Tower, visiting museums, dining and wineries. Yeah Paris is just a trendy city that you can party all night long.

I have never been to Paris, nor France but many of my friends does. I heard many stories from them about how nice the hotels in france and how cheap the rate of the hotels in paris. But apart from the nice hotels, I would rather interest in looking for the culture and the peoples there. As you know, French are well known of their romantic behaviors. For the single man like me, I believe living there will be a heaven to me.

Well perhaps I can dream no more, as the current company that I working at is one of the country that nearby France. Maybe I should just request to transfer my work location and work there. Since the airfare travel within Europe countries are cheaper comparing with Asian countries. Time to write my proposal…

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