Thursday, December 6, 2007

I want Iphone!

Finally I have my first hand experience about Iphone. My kelig just bought an Iphone back from US and I got a chance to grab it, yes, physically. I was so crazy about Iphone when it first launch and when I hold it on my hand, I just feel unbelievable.

Although there are still plenty of problems and critics, but I don't mind paying $399 just to own 1. However according to my kelig, only 016 support the full functionalities, whereas 012 and 019 still waiting for improvement. Furthermore, the second generation of Iphone has new firmware updated where we do not have the crack yet. I think still got few more months to wait. Damn.


Anonymous said...

in fact, i have had an iphone about month ago... however, i've sold it out... as you aware, 012 is not compatible with i-phone, able to recieve message and make calls but unable to recieve incoming call... thus, i decided to sell it off.. same as u, my bf & I was crazy about i-phone when it first launch.. however, try it and nothing special... except for the sharp camera, high quality of screen display...
anyway, my bf still carrying it with him... as a gadget for fun..with a celcom line.. for sure, we still addicted to maxis

kokwah said...


thanks for the tips and hints. yes i agreed with you feedback especially when we are using 012, it is kinda difficult to change the line just because of that phone.

however as what i heard (rumors la..) maxis is trying hard as the phone gonna officially launch at MY soon. by then we may enjoy the full functionality instead of just a toy.. hopefully.. hahaa..

Anonymous said...

haha.. now is the time... 012 is live with iphone 1 month ago... right after my conversation with u...
go and get one...
but found that it can't even reset when it hangs.. no screen.. no ring... but it will resume after a moment de.. quite not used to it.. ha