Friday, November 2, 2007

Birthday Present

Because of the extraordinary expense that I have contributed for all my friends, I hope I can get some return for my birthday. In fact I preferred a birthday gift instead of a gathering and free food.

First, gift can keep and more memorable. Second, I didn’t receive much birthday gift for my entire life. Although it is not necessary a few thousand gift, but a memorable one will keep me memorized forever. Just like last year, CP & Debbie give me a Bluetooth headset, which I am still precious it until today (Unless it spoilt). So to my dear friends, time to contribute a bit back to me… Haha...

1 comment:

chooi peng said...

frankly, i also macam never received any birthday present from you all!! hehe...
of course the free treat lunch is not count, as we always treat each others ma!