Friday, February 1, 2008

Permanent Position

There are many things happened to me for the past 2 weeks. I was offered a permanent position with a super low basic rate (lower than my previous job) and I was in fight with my boss in order to request higher but failed. Well the overall package is ok but it was top up with the allowances, which I don't think it is practical because allowance is subject to each company.

However my boss have a different view and I was struggled with his stubbornness in securing the salary range. I spoken with him twice and he rejected me twice. Ironically on another hand HR willing to help and asked me to get his feedback about me to justify higher amount, and yes my boss still reject. How ridiculous because HR is helping me to request higher salary from my boss while it is suppose the other way back. I was so upset with his unsupportiveness but I accepted the package because I see something good in the company. Hopefully this is not a bad decision...

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