Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me

Today marked the big 29 in my life. Perhaps I have been immune with these never ending events. Not sure started from which year but I don't feel any difference even for my own birthday. I think birthday for me is just another day to request something from my friends. However the more I requested, the more I feel that my friends coming out to see me just because of the missionary purposes.

You might think I am exaggerated but come and think of it, when was the last time you really keen to attend the wedding, new house warming, new born, gathering, birthday or whatever craps? I would say mostly are missionary and without your willingness, except for the closed friends. (And how many closed friends will you have?)

Somehow we just can’t avoid these because we are living in a so-called ‘normal’ society. If I chose not to follow the tracks then other will take me as ‘abnormal’, ‘anti-social’, or ‘emotional disorder’. Honestly it is very difficult for me to find the balance within, but ironically I has been surviving all this while. Anyway as getting more and more on this, I appreciated those who remembered me, but for those who do not, it’s ok, as long as I get the gift from them. Otherwise please get lost. Hahaa…


Jason said...

Kok Wah, Happy belated birthday.

kokwah said...

tqtq. and thanks for hopping by..