Friday, July 13, 2007

1 Day 1 Coke

I was addicted to coke. The habit of 1 day 1 coke started since I was with my first company. The company is so generous by subsidizing half of the price for all the drinks in the vending machine.

From then on coke seems to my official after lunch drink. Sometimes I took it as breakfast too. Haha… Fortunately enough I cut the habit not long after I left. Although I still have the desires of drinking coke during office hour but I managed to control it since nowhere to purchase.

However comes to the current company now, they have my lovely vending machine that sell coke again. Sad to say, I started it again even without subsidization. Damn, should I consider in applying a job there so I can die faster. Hahaa.

1 comment:

Jason said...

My habit is 1 day 1 Nescafe.. kakaka...