Friday, June 22, 2007

Go Gold

If you have additional saving and afford to use the money for investment then I would strongly suggest you to invest in buying gold.

The value of gold is not like normal share market, mutual fund or FOREX that will float up and down. You can have all the confidence in investing gold because based on the history the value is very stable. Gold is the precious resource from the earth and has been representing the status, power and wealth since ancient time.

Lately I read from paper. Now instead of buying the gold ingot, you can also consider in buying the gold certificate which cost exactly the same as the value of gold. The best is you can purchase it with lower rate but sell out and earn the same amount when the price of the gold arises.

Somehow I still prefer the real gold. At least I can still see and touch it, or even carry and sleep at with gold at night for a sweet dream.

1 comment:

Dingdong said...

Now,,, gold is so costly. Dare not think of buying gold to keep.

first,, need to settle my debts first then, only investment.