Thursday, June 14, 2007

The XXXHollics

If 女人 is shoppaholic then 男人 must be downloadholic.

Shopping is 女人的天性and has been planted in their root when they first made. The best example will be Eva. She has started the shopping spree by buying the rib from Adam even before she was made.

Well this example clearly stated that 女人 was made to be shoppaholic, and yet still remains the same until today. For男人n, on top of being taught on how to sell (body?), 男人has also evolved. We took it one step further to adept the technology era. We are now still stick back to selling but instead of getting the resource from the body we got it from Internet.

As long as you name we, we download it the resell it. See how harmony is the world now? 男人sell女人buy.


Mrs.ThePoint said...

This is very interesting point of view.
"Men sell, women buy." hehehe...but if we bring this to a higher level.
It will become "men sells, women use men's money to buy..." Women are in a win win situation.


kokwah said...

To make it to another level of complication. I agreed that women use men's money to buy but when come to think of it. What is the intention for women to buy (for men?)
