Friday, May 11, 2007

I Love PPP

This is a sponsored post

It is really a line between love and hate for me towards PPP. I have been hearing my friends earning from PPP but somehow due to my laziness I always postpone the registration.

However PPP totally turned me into a hardworking monster when I signed up nearly 1 month ago. I started to stay tune almost 12 hours in front of computer monitor instead of TV now. Reason is to wait for the posts and ads, also trying to grab my lovely posts to earn more money.

I also shared my experiences in the blog. Due to this consumer generated advertising, some unknown blogger even leave the comments to me and share their story. I am impressed with the power of PPP about how it can help me to extend my network and promote my blog.

Til date I have made almost 100, my target is to have a static income from PPP and I know it can really happen! Because I am proud to be PPP blogger.


devildairy said...

Hi,I am a beginner. I have PPP account. Buts, i dont know know how it work. Mind to share some with me?

kokwah said...

Hi, i joined only not long ago too. Basically you can submit your blog wait for approval. Once approved then start writing the ads review from open opportunities.

Post your review to your blog and you will get paid to your Paypal upon your post been approved.