Saturday, May 26, 2007

Laptop Failure

This is the office laptop. In fact initially this does not belongs to me, but due to my own set haven’t arrive yet. Therefore the admin ‘borrowed’ her laptop for me. When the new set came, I am too lazy to reinstall all the software and thus remain it and give the new set to the admin.

The laptop work perfectly fine in the beginning but failed to load and hang after 2 months. The worse is coming as one day about last few weeks ago; the screen suddenly went total black out. I felt the CPU is still running and go to the nearest docking for external monitor since haven’t save my work.

Luckily managed to do so as it displayed out, and problem resolved when I rebooted the machine. However it happened again almost by weekly. But due to the warrantee helpdesk couldn’t change the laptop but to replace the faulty hardware for me.

How I wish they could change it so I can get the latest Vista installed together with the new machine.

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