Saturday, May 26, 2007

Too Fake

Working with Guai Lo is fun. Although sometimes I can’t even catch what their saying in the discussion. Especially the British bawang, very strong accent. But somehow they will all very happy as long as you say ‘Yes’.

Perhaps the culture and education system is totally the other way. As an Asian I was raised to abide the conservative thinking. Therefore no matter what I did also receives criticism in improving better. This is the major ‘why’ I always only say yes because I see the room that I can do it. But the reality of can or cannot is later business.

Comparing back to Westerner, they are more towards appreciations. It is very fun when you present a same piece of work to Guai Lo and Asian. Both have different response. For Guai Lo, they will compliment you from email, personally and until the whole participant in the teleconference is clapping for your good work. But for Asian, only 1 sentence: I don’t like to make it so fancy lo…

Well, although sometimes I thought Guai Lo may go a bit too fake, but who care, as long as I like it. Hahaa… After all who don’t like to listen flowery words, right? Further can help in my so called ‘morale and motivation’. Hahaa…

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